Allied partners with you to assess your organizational and individual leadership development needs and determine the best coaching solutions. Coaching engagements typically begin with administering an assessment tool, such as 360-degree feedback, to identify the strengths and development needs of individual leaders and the organiza- tion as a whole. The coaching relationship builds with the feedback process, enhancing leader self-awareness, identifying key goals, and implementing strategies. A successful coaching program will accelerate leader development and create a community in which the employees’ change and continual learning is the standard.
Based on your organization’s goals, our team can advise you on multiple coaching solutions and work with you to implement the best strategy. Tailored coaching options may include:
• Individual coaching. Work with leaders and employees to create individual development plans, formalize goals, and develop action plans through one-on-one coaching
• Team coaching. Assist in resolving team issues by providing one-on-one coaching to the leader and real-time coaching to the team
• Peer and group coaching. Train leaders to problem solve as a collaborative cohort in small groups to coach each other on similar management challenges
• Internal coaching certification program. Establish a coaching culture by identifying champions with exceptional leadership potential to receive in-depth training on effective coaching and teaching others within the organization how to coach employees
• Leadership coaching workshops. Conduct interactive, experiential workshops to teach leaders how to coach their employees and deliver feedback effectively
• Coaching tools and resources. Make coaching tools and resources available to all employees through coaching toolkits, discussion forums, leadership articles, and a comprehensive website that includes just-in-time training and streamed video